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October 2024 Meeting Minutes

10/7/24  Community Council Meeting


  1. Welcome
  2. New Member Introductions
  3. School Community Council Information (Training)
  4. Review of Website Requirements/Rules of Order & Procedure 
  • An invitation to parents to serve on the council ✅
  • A means to contact the members of the school's council ✅
  • A copy or link to the current Teacher and Student Success Plan ✅
  • Approved minutes of council meetings for at least a year ✅
  • The proposed council meeting schedule for the school year* ✅
  • The following may be provided by posting a school-specific link to the Public Reports on the School LAND Trust website, which automatically satisfies: ✅

The dollar amount of funds the school receives 

A link to the school's final reports for the last two school years 

A link to the school's LAND Trust Plan for the current year

  1. Counselor Report
    1. 8th Grade Registration/PCCRs; New process for appointment sign-up (November), parents questions and concerns; 4 Year Plan; High School Credits discussion; Google Calendar; English classes on the 21st; QR Code - with links that take you straight to students’ calendar; 
    2. Hope Week/ Try-it-Night/Shoutout to our PTA; Unity Day; Other activities and plans
  2. PTSA Report: 
    1. Hope Week
    2. Budget: Back-to-School Stomp ($1,512.00); Stomp D.J. $350.; Shirt sales $92.
    3. Donut Days (PTA Members)
  3. Implementation of the Prior Year’s Plan (2023-24)
  1.  Goals: Increase student learning (Increase end of level assessment by 1%; increase students on-track for graduation by 1%) 
  2. Distribution: $132,892.09; Carryover for 2024-25 $2,892.09
    1. Salaries & Benefits 92,000.
    2. Technologies & Related Supplies 5,000
    3. Hardware 31,000.
    4. Software 2,000
  3. DATA: 2024 End-of-Level Assessments & School Report Card


Rise & Aspire+ End-of-Level Assessments




ELA 7 (Rise)




ELA 8 (Rise)




ELA 9th (Aspire+)




Math 7 (Rise)




Math 8 (Rise)




Secondary Math 1 (Accelerated 8th) (Rise)




Secondary Math 1 (9th) (Aspire+)




Science 7 (Rise)




Science 8 (Rise)




Science 9 (Aspire+)





ACT Average Predictive Scores (9th)

2022 2023 2024

ELA 18 19 22

Math 20 20 22

Science 21 21 22


AP Scores 3 or Higher

2023 2024

AP Chinese 24% 58%

Human Geo. 37% 60%


Report Card 2023-24 

  • Achievement: (Typical); Growth (Commendable); ELL (Developing) 


  • Growth of Lowest 25%:  (60.7% - up 2.8% - Typical to Exemplary)


  • Consistent Attendance:  64% (2023) 85% (2024)


  1. Review the current 2024-25 School Land Trust plan & School Goals
    1. Distribution $128,473.65 

Salaries & benefits 58,000

Technologies & Related Supplies 27,644. 

Repairs & Maintenance 15,000

Software 5,000

  1. Goals: Increase the percentage of students who earn growth percentiles in the 40th percentile or higher on End-of-Level Assessments by 3%
  1. Teacher and Student Success Act Plan (TSSA) 
    1. Allocation: $177,506.
    2. Budgeted: $167,900.
    3. Goal: Increase “Sense of Belonging” from 46% to 49% (Panorama Data); Increase End-of-Level Assessments by 2%
    4. Steps: Student Advocates, LCSW, Options Aide, Professional Development, Buyouts for Reduce class sizes
  2. Elevate28 Strategic Plan (Focus Areas)
    1. Academic Excellence
    2. Safe & Healthy Schools
    3. Character Competence
    4. Talent Engagement
  3. School Alignment to Elevate 28
    1. Increase in End-of-Level Assessments/KOTR
    2. Caring & Connection; Sense of Belonging; “One Caring Adult” 
    3. Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
    4. Professional Collaboration & Innovation - Commitment to PLCs
  4. 8350 Student Electronic Device Policy (Okay Before/After school/transitions/lunch)

1. First Violation: Redirect/reteach 

2. Second Violation: Device will be relinquished to the teacher and/or administrator

and kept until the end of class in a secure location. 

3. Third Violation: Relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration and/or main office staff. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration or office staff until the end of the school Day.

4. Fourth violation: Relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration and/or main office staff. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration or office staff until picked up by the parent/guardian. 

5. Subsequent Violations: Students who are repeat offenders of this policy shall be subject to the imposition of any appropriate disciplinary action, which may include Suspension.


  1. Community Questions & Concerns
    1. Hoax Threats - Discussion was around communicating with students about the dangers of spreading rumors
    2. Single-point entry - Discussion was about how it has been working and how we can help students make it on time to their classes.  We discussed that timing will improve as students become more familiar with the system.