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Attendance Policy

  ATTENDANCE POLICY According to Utah State Law and School Board Policy: “The student is responsible to be present in class and the parent, guardian, or other person having control of any such minor between six and eighteen years of age shall be required to send such minor to school during the regularly established school day in the attendance area of residence.” Students are expected to be in school every day unless properly excused by their parents, administration, advisor, or teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work in any class missed regardless of the reason for...

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Head Injury Policy

Management of Sports-Related Concussions Model Local Education Agency Concussion and Head Injury Policy  Medical management of sports-related concussion continues to evolve. Recently, there has been a significant amount of new research regarding sports-related concussions in high school athletes. Model Local Education Agency (hereafter “LEA”) has established this protocol to provide education about concussion for coaches, school personnel, parents, and students. LEAs include local boards of education, local charter boards, as well as miscellaneous special programs. This protocol outlines...

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