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Oct 2021 Agenda


Community Council Agenda 




Counselor Corner 

School Land Trust Program 2021-2022 - What's New 

School Land Trust Site- not running 

Emergency Plan Review 

Hope Week Review 

PTSA Report 


October 5, 2021 

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

You have likely been made aware of a viral social media trend - the Devious Licks Challenge. This event started on TikTok but is expanding to other social media applications. “Devious Licks" are videos students post of themselves disrupting the school environment by stealing, vandalizing or showing off items they've stolen and/or exploiting others. We've learned that there are monthly challenges being promoted by social media influencers and we have experienced a rise in inappropriate behavior in our schools, as a result. Here is a screenshot example of one social media challenge: 

August - Sleep in and be late September - Mess up a toilet/vandalize restroom October - Smack a staff member on the backside November - Kiss your friends' girlfriend at school December - "Deck the halls and show your b***" In school halls (expose your private area) January - Jab a breast February - Mess up school signs March - Make a mess in the courtyard or cafeteria April - Grab some "eggz" (theft/stealing) May - Ditch Day 

June - Flip off front office 

In the spirit of being proactive, we ask that you talk with your student(s) about the potential short and long-term consequences of engaging in these types of behaviors at school: 

1- Students may be removed from the school setting and/or placed in an alternative educational setting for violations of our Student Conduct Policy (Policy 5200), the Student Discrimination and Harassment Policy (Policy 4120) - which includes sexual harassment and sexual misconduct - and/or the Bullying Policy (Policy 5201); 2- Students may be criminally charged (up to a felony level) for various forms of misbehavior and be referred to juvenile court; 3- Students may be required to pay for damages/restitution related to property destruction and/or theft; 

4- Students' lives can be negatively impacted by creating and sharing videos which document inappropriate behavior. Such videos posted to social media platforms can forever "haunt" students as they move forward in their lives. Interpersonal relationships, college scholarships and employment opportunities can be lost and personal reputations damaged or ruined; 5- Students may place themselves and/or others in harm's way; and/or 6- Student learning can be negatively affected, as well as the sense of safety and security on school campuses. 

We want our schools to be "safe spaces" for all students and staff members. We expect individuals in our schools to look out for one another and if troubling behavior is witnessed, it should be reported. If you see something, say something! The SafeUT app can be utilized to anonymously report inappropriate behavior via an online tip. Behaviors may also be directly reported to school personnel and administration. We encourage our students to uplift and support each other and refrain from giving into peer pressure or social media influences. It takes great courage and strength to take a stand and do the right thing and we expect this stance from our great students in Weber School District. 

We've included the following resources for your reference: 

Why Kids Like Tik Tok Challenges Is Tik Tok Safe? How to Set Up Tik Tok Parental Controls Parents' Ultimate Guide to TikTok SafeUT SafeUT Tip Line 

Thank you for your ongoing support as we work together to keep our students safe and help them grow into productive, responsible and successful human beings! 


Gina Butters - Executive Director of Secondary Schools Clyde Moore - Supervisor of Secondary Schools 

State School LAND Trust Plan Dates 

By October 1, 2021 - Deadline for updating the individual school's website with the following: 

The Rules of Order and Procedure updated for the school year, Council member names with a direct email, phone number or both (The school email or phone numbers are not acceptable for parent members.) Proposed meeting schedule for the school year Approved council minutes for at least a year Teacher and Student Success Plan or link to the Plan Invitation for parents to serve on the Council The following may be provided by posting specific links for each to the School LAND Trust website documents/information or copies on the website 

O Current year School LAND Trust Plan O Final Reports for at least the prior two years O Funding the school receives from the Program 

Weber School District School LAND Trust Plan Dates 

. Final Report 

O Site Opens for entry on January 15, 2022 

March 9, 2022 

© All Plans Due 

March 11, 2022 

Review Plans with Teams 

March 18, 2022 

  • Corrected Plans Due 

April 6, 2022 

  • Present Trust LAND Program to Board 
  • Get Board Approval 

April 6, 2022 

  • Send Final Plans to State 

The timeline for the availability of online applications are listed here. 

January 15 - Final Reports available for entry 

O Council Signature Forms available to collect signatures February 4 - Final Report due 

  • February 9 - Upcoming School Plan entry on website opens 

March 9 - Weber District due date for plans to be entered on Trustland site 

March 11 - Weber District review of new plans 

  • March 18 - Any identified corrections/changes made and plans resubmitted . April 20 - Your 2022-23 plan should be posted on your school's website 

Please use the templates we placed in the School LANDTrust shared drive to prepare your plans and reports. 

Please Remember: 

At least one week before each school community council meeting: 

o Post notice of the time, place and date of the meeting with... 

Upcoming meeting agenda should include: 

. Any topics that will be considered at the meeting 

Items to be voted on, identified as an action item Draft minutes of the previous meeting 

. Date, time and place of the meeting 

Names of members present and absent 

A brief statement of matters proposed, discussed or decided 

  • A record, by individual member, of each vote taken 

The name of each person who is not a member of the council, and After being recognized by the chair, provided testimony or comments to the council The substance, in brief, of the testimony of comments to the council provided to the council Any other information that is a record of the proceedings of the meeting that any member requests be entered into the minutes 


Wendy Long <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


[School Childrens Trust] School LAND Trust October 1 Due Date 


Newey, Elisse via SchoolChildrens Trust 

Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 2:04 <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Reply-To: "Newey, Elisse" <Elisse. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; To: "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Good afternoon: 

As you are aware there have been some challenges related to the redevelopment of the School LAND Trust website. Consistent with Utah Code and State Board rule, the Council Membership is due to be submitted on the website by October 1. To the extent possible, please complete that entry as soon as possible. The Principal Assurance statement is required but not by October 1. It is not working and is not saving data. Please let that go for a later entry. We expect that it could be submitted with the Final Report after the Winter Break. We will remind you when it is ready. 

Please accept our apologies for the frustration and please let us know if you have questions. 

Thank you! 

The School Children's Trust Utah State Board of Education 


Paula Plant 

Natalie Gordon Newey This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 801-201-6681 

801-538-7533 7764 


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