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Community Council Meeting Minutes 1-22-2020

North Ogden Junior High

Community Council Meeting

January 22, 2020


In attendance:

Wendy Long, Angie Erickson, Keir Fidler, Marlisa Lund, Mindy Pendergast, Naomi Trammell, Shanna Campbell, Rhett Fronk.  


Excused:  Don Morse, Marty Roskelley


Meeting began @ 3:00


Mrs. Long shared with the council the new program to begin on February 18, 2020.  It is called “Bark for Schools” and is designed to further protect students online.  It will monitor a students’ G Suite:

  • G mail
  • G mail Chat
  • G Drive
  • Google Docs


It is a free service for schools.  Parents will need to subscribe (and can for free) if they want to get a daily report of their student’s activity.  Mrs. Long currently receives a filter report every morning showing students’ activities on the internet. With this new program she will receive updates every two hours.   


There will be an email announcing this new program going out to parents, students and teachers on February 4, 2020 to inform and give information about the program.


If parents wish to buy additional security through this program it is $9 a month.


Mrs. Long commented that it is good for kids to be held accountable for their mistakes.  One parent commented that it is better to make them now and learn from them.


We were given an update on the recycling program and it is not working well and will probably be discontinued by the PTSA.


Mrs. Long announced that the countertops in the library are going to be replaced.  Additionally, NOJH will begin a WIC (Weber Innovations Center) class here at the school to assist students who may have specific needs.


Mrs. Long may change the date of the next meeting which was scheduled for March 18, 2020, so we will wait to see what that date will be.


Training Video School Land Trust:


-  Please, feel free to watch this video at anytime


The meeting adjourned at 3:25.