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January 2021 Community Council minutes



Wednesday January 20, 2021

Members Joined In: 3:00 P.M. – Google Meet 

Ms. Wendy Long, Principal     Ms. Marty Roskelley-organizer

Ms. Naomi Trammell, Parent/Chairperson      

Ms. Keri Fidler, Parent/Co-Chairperson     

Ms. Marlisa Lund, Parent Ms. Shanna Campbell, Teacher

Ms. Mindy Pendergast, Parent Mr. Rhett Fronk, Teacher/Counselor

Excused: Ms. Angie Erickson, Parent; Mr. Don Morse, Assistant Principal

     (Microphones not working: Naomi Trammell, Shanna Campbell, Marlisa Lund, Marty Roskelley)


Welcome:  Ms. Wendy Long, Principal 

  • Many good things are happening and you (our community council members) are super busy as well. 
  • NOJH is jumping into a new semester as of 1/19/2021. There have not been too many issues, but our counselors have been running to get things going in the right direction with the online transitions and several different things.  We are feeling good about where NOJH is in the grand scheme of things.

COVID 19 virus:  Ms. Wendy Long, Principal

  • NOJH currently has two positive cases and a handful of students quarantined. All current Covid counts and updates can be found on the WSD website.
  • North has done really well.  As you have seen, some schools are in their third soft closure, which is difficult for kids.  Since the start of a new semester, the admin has been in the halls, reminding the students of the directional flow and so forth.  
  • Mr. Rhett Fronk is our Athletic Director, and he has both teams’ seats six feet apart, six feet back and in three rows apart. In addition, all of our players are in masks.  The rule now is if everyone is mask to mask, students do not have to quarantine or sit out.  At one of our NOJH home games Mr. Fronk and Ms. Long observed that the visiting team had pulled all their chairs up to the front and sat all in a row.  Their masks come off, and theirs was a whole different world.  Ms. Long is so proud of our students and how they are rule followers.  She just loves seeing our students do the right things.
  • The Second round of vaccines are now available for our educators this week.  


Counselor Corner:  Mr. Rhett Fronk, Counselor

  • NOJH is half way through its boys’ basketball season
  • Girls’ basketball try-outs will be held on Feb. 9th
  • NOJH is half way through the school year and the counselors are trying to make plans for next year and get our students registered. We are getting the ninth graders ready for 10th grade with The Weber High Experience this will be a different experience than in the past.  Weber High Counselors will be here Feb. 2nd to help registration and they can make changes up to Feb. 12th.
  • Weber High counselors will be here on Feb 28th during KOR to talk to the eighth grade students interested in Project Lead the Way. 
  • We are now working on the Needs Assessment.  Every three years the counseling department gets a Counseling Review.  We are asking the students, parents, and the teachers to do surveys.  Emails will be going out and you are welcome to go onto our NOJH Counseling website and click on the student survey or the parent survey.
  • NOJH counselors will be going to the three elementaries and registering the sixth graders going into seventh grade February 17, 18, 19
  • February is Kindness month.  We are working on the Random Acts of Kindness activity.  Ms. Long has included all areas with this; the Hope Squad, cheerleaders, and student government. We all need this extra love, and we will be sending some of it out electronically to connect with our students.


 Panorama Training:  Ms. Wendy Long, Principal

  • NOJH Accreditation is coming March 15th – 18th and Mr. Don will be having another survey coming out the beginning of February.
  • Panorama training is complete with our teachers.  We have had good responses from the teachers.  It will be especially great for our struggling learners.


Licensed Clinical Social Worker:  Ms. Wendy Long, Principal 

  • We are so lucky to have Ms. Larissa Adams. She is the mental health worker for the students and her appointments are full already.  We would like to see if we could increase our hours of support for her.  
  • It has been interesting to see how the weather affects us all. The sunshine does great things for everyone, especially our students. 


Mask updates:  

  • Ms. Naomi Trammell thinks the masks really make students feel invisible so we do need to be extra diligent in working with kids.  Google handout is going to be disabled, which is good but will also make students feel a little more isolated.   
  • Ms. Wendy Long stated that the teachers and administration do not know their students’ faces.  Ms. Shanna Campbell agreed; it is hard for the teachers too, because they want to see their kids faces.  
  • Ms. Marlisa Lund shared that Mrs. Wright (NOJH math teacher) had her students wear a picture of themselves around their necks so she could know what they looked like. 


Going, Coming, Retirements:  Ms. Wendy Long, Principal

  • Brook Young has gone to be an intern administrator at Roy High School
  • Welcome Alaska Martinez to NOJH as our new CTE-Business Marketing Teacher.                Ms. Wendy Long got number one pick.  It was crazy doing interviews with the masks on.
  • Retirees will be one of our counselors, Ms. Dominique Dietz and English teacher Ms. Shanna Campbell.  We are happy for them and they will be missed.  It is hard to say good-bye to people who have made such a huge difference in so many people’s lives and community and will continue to do so.
  • Ms. Marlisa Lund stated that Ms. Shanna Campbell almost made it through all nine of her kids.  Please consider staying two more years.


Land Trust Budget:  Ms. Naomi Trammel – Ms. Wendy Long

  • Land Trust budget is about the same, with buy-outs for some of our teachers. Our student numbers are about 950 and 100 students that are full time online. 
  • Every CTE teacher is a buy-out, which is paid through regular school funds, not the land trust funds.
  • Land Trust money goes to support chrome books, sciences, and teachers for struggling learners to help them with make-up credits to get them on line for graduation. Additional funds were for technology in the classrooms for things such as interactive boards.  We are utilizing the TSSA funds to make sure other classrooms are being taken care of digitally as well.
  • Land Trust funds are also being used to support Panorama.  The district is paying the majority of this new program.  It also pays for Homework Haven for after school support as well. At the lowest, there have been about six students and the highest about nineteen in Homework Haven. It is used nearly every single day; it is much needed and appreciated.


Boundary Exemptions:  Ms. Wendy Long

  • Chinese Program students are automatically accepted.  The students started this program back when they were in the first and second grade. 
  • Our NOJH students come first and our school is busting at its seams. 
  • Ms. Marlisa Lund asked how many boundary exemptions do we have that are not in the Chinese program?

Do the elementary schools let those boundary exemption students know that it might not continue into Jr. High?  Ms. Wendy Long stated that we have about 20 boundary exemptions that are not in the Chinese Immersion program.  In elementary schools all across the district, boundary exemptions have to be re-accepted to the junior high.  North Ogden Jr. High is a closed school because we are at 94% capacity already.  Most schools are open enrollment; North and Orion are closed schools.  

  • Ms. Naomi Trammell stated that the North Ogden area is planning on a lot of growth in the next four years.


Training Video School Land Trust:



Counseling - Mindfulness:


Next Meeting: 

-  March 17, 2021 at 3:00 P.M.  Place: TBA


Meeting adjourned and signed off @ 3:32 P.M.