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October 2022 Community Council Minutes

North Ogden Junior High School

Community Council Agenda

Wednesday October 5, 2022

In attendance:

Ms. Sherry Patton - Principal                         Ms. Maylie Jeppsen - Recorder                     

Mr. Matt Deamer - Parent/Counselor             Ms. Naomi Trammel - Parent/Chairperson               

Mr. Rhett Fronk - Parent/Counselor               Ms. Keri Fidler - Parent/ Co-chairperson

Mr. Harry Short - Teacher                               Ms. Marlisa Lund - Parent                            

Ms. Katie Brown - Parent                               Ms. Julie Simmons - Parent


Excused: - Carrie Barney - Parent

1. Welcome/Introductions: Naomi Trammell, Keri Fidler, Marlisa Lund, Mindy Pendergast, Julie Simmons, Carrie Barney, Katie Brown, Sherry Patton, Rhett Fronk, Harry Short, Matt Deamer

2.Trust Lands “What’s New” video. 

  • Council should be formed by October 20, 2022. All members' names and contact links will be updated on the website.
  • District approved a digital election.
    • Voting/election process will be posted on the school website
    • Every parent should have the opportunity to vote and participate
  • Increasing community engagement
    • Engagement can be increased by using multiple media platforms. I.e. social media advertising, marquee in front of school, sharing info via word of mouth from council members, inviting parents to be involved
    • Creating a banner for the school website to draw parents into community council and school involvement
  • Change how we offer contact information to reduce risk is scams
    • Instead of providing an email address, we will use a contact link


3.Rules of Order 

  • “Rules of Order” can be found on school website under “Community Council” tab
    • These norms and expectations will help meetings run smoothly and efficiently
    • Implementing the use of “Robert's Rules” to make meetings official


4.Administration/Member Transition 

  • All agree that the transition to new administration is going smoothly
  • Each week shows more improvement 
  • The school is full of energy and excitement
  • Patton and King make a great team and balance each other out well.  

5.Council Responsibilities:

  • Emergency Plan Review - Harry Short
    • Emergency plan prepares NOJH staff and students for all emergency scenarios including natural disaster, fire, threats inside & outside the school, etc. 
    • Implementing a calling tree for effective communication during an emergency. 
    • Changed evacuation plan.
      • Teachers lineup in alphabetical order with students in straight lines along the fence on the east side of the school (by peach orchard)
      • Students stay with the teacher that they are currently with because those teachers already know who is in attendance. 
      • First fire drill on September 1, 2022 went very well. Students and teachers were able to line up quickly and report who was accounted for.
  • District Site Assessment - The district sent out a Google Form asking about our safety in the building, and is currently setting up appointments for a walkthrough. 
    • District will send out a team to assess the building and its safety protocols.
    • Eventually the district will be moving to more single access entry points in junior high schools.
      • Single access at NOJH is currently the breezeway/main office entrance. All other doors remain closed and locked during the day. Lunchroom doors only stay open during meal times.
      • Will eventually have an entry point similar to elementary schools in which visitors have to ring a doorbell and be approved by the office staff before the door is unlocked. 


  • Child Access Safe Routing Plan - Harry Short
    • Working on creating safe walking routes for students. 
    • Walking routes will direct students through STOP signs and crosswalks.
    • Finishing up access routes


  • CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act) - Sherry Patton
  • Safety Plan/CIPA - Patton - 2nd Week of school (SRP  & Nearpod Lessons):


  • Monday, August 29 - Advisory Disclosure/SRP Video (Safety Protocols)
  • Tuesday, August 30 - CIPA - The Power of Digital Footprints (What images represent)
  • Wednesday, August 31 - CIPA - The Four Factors of Fair Use (Copyrights…)
  • Thursday, September 1 - (KOTR)Fire/Evacuation Drill  (Practice)
  • Friday, September 2 - CIPA - Big, Big DATA (Limiting data collection)
  • Elementaries have done a lot of great work so kids already know the information when they get to NOJH
  • School website to include meetings, minutes, members, and plan


 6. School Land Trust Plan 2022-2023 - Patton

  • Distribution ($126,936.92)
    • Lease chromebooks, plugs, and necessary storage for all students and teachers - $35,000
    • Science and Math buy-out to decrease student-teacher ratio in order to increase individualized learning - $81,000
    • Tech repairs and maintenance - $1,300
    • School website is being updated to include council minutes and members names

7. TSSA Funding Plan 2022-2023 - Patton 

  • Distribution ($152,804.68)


#1: Broaden student support systems to maximize teaching and learning

  • Mr. Craynor hosts a basketball game for students to participate in during lunch. 
  • It gets a variety of kids playing together which keeps them busy with positive activities.
  • Also creates an opportunity for students to engage with teachers, counselors, other students, and strengthen those relationships 
  • The idea of switching things up and trying out a new sport every once in a while might invite a new group of students with different interests
  • Mr. Craynor doesn’t begin the activity until students have had a chance to eat first
  • Aids & Peer Leaders could also help supervise the activity
  •  Homework Haven is successful. It provides additional math tutoring for all NOJH students
  • We have a great core group of substitutes that our teachers can rely on


#2: Increase student access to technology throughout the school environment and improve the instructional process and student learning

  • TV screens in commons area and hallways are being used to advertise school activities and spotlight what is going on around NOJH
  • Aleks is funded through TSSA


8. PTSA Report (Kari Fidler)

  • Most recent PTSA meeting was held on Oct 6, 2022
    • Main point discussed was Hope Week
    • Invitation for community council members to support
    • Red Ribbon Week at the end of October
      • Looking for raffle basket donations


9. End of Level Assessment Results - Patton

  1. Rise/Aspire Data
  2. Areas of Need
  • Math and English are areas to improve upon
  • Questioning the distraction of chromebooks–encourage work outside of tech as well. 
  • The testing specialist for NOJH is Ms. Taylee Elescano
  • Mr. Gross, Mr. Biggar and Ms. elescano attended a PLC conference and will report what they learned, and help us move forward in the PLC process. 

10. Counseling Report - Fronk/Deamer

  1. Graduation Numbers (low credit areas)
  • 184 credits were made up last year
    • It’s possible that students recovered close to 200 credits. After july we don’t have a record of their progress because it goes moves on to the high school level
    • English and Math are the most failed courses among 9th graders
  • Students have 2 main ways of credit makeup: Summer School and Edgenuity
  • Summer School: students had to be present and participate to receive credit
    • Program is now free which increased participation
    • There is a demographic of low-income students who fail and then cannot pay the fee to recover those credits. The no-cost program gives them more opportunities
    • Kids typically are not motivated to do online school during the summer so summer school keeps them on track
  • Edgenuity: Pass a test and receive the credit. 
    • Program costs around $40. 
    • At Weber High students could pay the program fee and then recover as many credits as they needed.
    • Not as time consuming as summer school


  1. Panorama Survey
  • District wide survey conducted in the Spring and Fall
  • The Panorama survey provides information about students’ needs and how to address those needs. .
  • Survey assesses 3 different areas: Diversity & Inclusion, Cultural Awareness, and Sense of Wellbeing
  • Our scores from the Spring 2022 survey show that we improved in the Diversity & Inclusion, Cultural Awareness & Action, Grit. Sense of Belonging and Emotional Wellbeing stayed the same. 
  • Teacher/Student Relationship decreased slightly but still 80% of our students said they felt respected by their teachers


Emotional Wellbeing

  • Licensed clinical social worker is at NOJH 4 days/week
  • Most parents are in support of students talking to social workers
  • It is so hard to find a therapist so this is a great resource for kids. Larissa can provide more help than the counselors can.
  • Counselors refer to and offer mental health services. Parents will be contacted to sign a consent before students see a mental health specialist.  
  • If a student needs help on a regular basis they need to start seeking help beyond the counselors

*Kids have a lot of area to spread out during lunch so it is helpful for counselors to be out during lunch observing students in their element.


C. Student Clubs, Honor Society, Sports

  • All events are on school calendar
  • Wrapping up our fall sports
  • Volleyball camp starts next week
  • Students are getting hours for NHS
  • FCCLA pumpkin painting activity
  • Fall band and choir concerts coming up
  • Tuck everlasting 90 students in cast 30 students in crew
  • Drama students will be doing 1 act plays
  • Flag detail committee - group of 5-7 students who help to raise the flag every morning. They are also learning to properly fold and take down the flag.
  • Emily child will be updating all bulletin boards and trophy cases


11. Community Council 2022 Scheduled Meetings: 

2022-2023 Council Meeting Schedule: 

October 5, 2022; November 30, 2022; March 1, 2023; May 3, 2023 

  • Meetings will begin at 3:00 pm


12. Elections/New Members are included on the School Land Trust website