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September 2023 Agenda

NOJH Community Council Meeting Agenda

Monday, September 18, 2023 - Main Office

  1. Welcome - Sherry Patton


  1. New Member Introductions


  1. Schedule New Member Orientation & Training 
    1. School LAND Trust Plans for Councils (2021-2022)
    2. Training for School Community Councils  


  1. Review of Website Requirements/Rules of Order & Procedure (Maylie Jeppsen)


  1. Counselor Report - Matt Deamer


  1. PTSA Report: Rhett Fronk


  1. Action Item: Elect Chair/Co-Chair 


  1. Internet Safety - Blake Pope


  1. Review of Current School Land Trust Plan 


  1. Review of Current Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSA) 


  1. District and School Goals: Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)


  1. Policies & Procedures - Student Training


  1. Proposed Meetings Following Meetings - (11/20/23, 3/4/24, 5/6/24)


  1. Community Comments or Concerns