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March 2023 Meeting Minutes

3/09/2023 Community Council


  1. Welcome: Sherry Patton

In attendance: 

Sherry Patton - Principal                   Matt Deamer - Counselor/Parent

Harry Short - Teacher                        Rhett Fronk - Counselor/Parent

Katie Brown - Parent                        Angie Erickson - Parent

Julie Simmons - Parent                     Naomi Trammel - Parent/Chairperson

Keri Fidler - Parent                           Marlisa Lund - Parent

Maylie Jeppsen - Recorder


  1. Counselors Report: Rhett Fronk & Matt Deamer
    1. Positive Behavior Plan
      1. Counselors throughout the state have created this report to provide data supporting their efforts in regards to student relationships, diversity education, safety, restorative education, etc. 
      2. Positive Behavior Plan includes descriptions of activities, events, and tools used by the counseling department with data to back up their success.
      3.   Counselors are passionate about and committed to supporting North Ogden Junior High students    
      4. Would like to find out what the state does with this information.
      5. It would be beneficial for this report to be shared with the parents and guardians of NOJH students
      6. Discussed the various efforts that counselors are making to build relationships between students and faculty. 
        1. Birthday card to every student. This creates a positive and non-threatening interaction between students and counselors.
        2. Building connections with incoming 7th graders as well as parents who need guidance in sending a child through junior high possibly for the first time
    2. Incentives
      1. Fat Cats Incentive
      2. Incentive activities motivate a large population of NOJH to work for better academic and citizenship grades.
      3. Paying for incentives
        1. Counselors work with local companies to find a great deal for our students. In this case students who are eligible for the incentive activity can pay $25 and have access to iFly, FlowRider, bowling, arcade games, rock climbing, etc. 
        2. Students who can not afford the $25 fee will be supported by the counseling department, PTSA or other funding sources. 
        3. There is also a free incentive activity held at the school on the same day, usually a movie and popcorn.
      4. Counselors have done research and collected data that says parents and students enjoy and appreciate the importance of quarterly incentives.
      5. Next Incentive: Lagoon Day. Scheduled for 18, 2023
    3. Registration Process and Numbers
      1. All students are registered for the 2023-2024 school year with the exception of new move-ins.
      2. Projecting 890 students registered for the upcoming school year. 
      3. Schools across the state are showing slight drops in enrollment numbers
      4. 9th graders are all registered for 10th grade
    4. Students off-track for graduation
      1. Counselors are having conversations with students who are failing
      2. Priority right now is getting students to a point where they will receive credit.
      3. Suggestions were made to utilize a specific class during KOTR for students working on Edgenuity.
      4. Counselors are focusing on core credit recovery
      5. Non-attending students are the biggest contributors to credit loss
  2. NOJH News
    1. Girls Basketball has begun. We have great coaches who are patient with this growing team. They keep the sport fun and motivating.
    2. We are offering an Athletic Conditioning opportunity for all NOJH athletes on Wednesday mornings. This is in an effort to strengthen our football team while supporting other athletics as well.
    3. Fat Cats incentive activity on March 9, 2023
    4. Seeking out further education and information for our students on the dangers of vaping.
      1. Catch My Breath program
      2. We have a big vaping issue among a small group of students. They are ill informed on the dangers and consequences of vaping.
      3. Considering ways to embed education on vaping into our curriculum
      4. Baseball season is coming up.
      5. Track schedule has been altered due to weather conditions
  3. Review YTD Budget
    1. We are on track with our budgets, saving approximately $1,100 left in Chromebook leases. 
    2. Suggestions were made to extend Homework Haven to all core departments. 
  4. Recommendations and approval of the upcoming Trust Lands/TSSA Plans
    1. 2023-24 TL Budget $132,892.09
    2. Council Signature Form - In Person
    3. District Due Date: Friday March 10, 2023
    4. TSSA Budgeting 
      1. AP history will be offered next year. We will need 60 textbooks and estimate $10,000 to $11,000 for costs
      2. Budget for Professional Development in the summer. Not Mandatory but offered to teachers
      3. Additional Student Advocate
        1. Part-time position
        2. Job posted in summer months
  5. Next Community Council meeting scheduled for May 3, 2023