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May 2023 Meeting Minutes

5/3/23 Community Council Minutes

● Welcome - Sherry Patton
○ In attendance: Sherry Patton, Matt Deamer, Keri Fidler, Mindy Pendergast, Katie
Brown, Naomi Trammell
○ Excused: Harry Short, Rhett Fronk
● Counselor Report - Matt Deamer
○ College and Career Days - Google Form sent to get input from students and better
understand what to keep or what to let go in regards to activities.
○ Students Off-Track - Edgenuity (Credit Recovery); students have the opportunity to
take as many credits they want for $35.00 for a two week period. Students are
currently enrolling and starting the process.

● PTSA Report
○ New PTA Board: President: Jill Kirkhm; President Elect: Open; Secretary: Cassie
Lindberg; Treasurer: Kami Overdiek; Legislative VP: Open.
○ Back-to-School Stomp for 9th grade 5/25
○ Teacher Appreciation/Teacher Grants,
● End-of-Level Assessment
○ Melissa and Maylie ran a tight program. Currently at 90% participation.
Benchmark assessments helped students with the process.
○ Results will help us know where to increase efforts and funding.
○ Goal #1 - Implement Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to reinforce
academics, behaviors, and well-being.
○ Goal #2 - Increase student access to technology throughout the school
environment and improve the instructional process and student learning.
○ Fund: LCSW, MTSS Needs, Student Advocates, Intramurals/lunch, Professional
Development Opportunities, 10 days for registrar, Technology needs

● 2023 -24 NOJH Open/New Positions
○ PE/Fit for Life - Hired
○ Chromebook Specialist
○ Student Advocate
● Celebrations/Awards
○ Dr. Rod Belnap, our great CTE Director, has been recognized as the Region V
ACTE Administrator of the Year! As you recall, he was recently named as the Utah
ACTE Administrator of the Year. This most recent award recognizes his leadership on
a much larger scale.
○ CTE 1st Place State TSA
i. Technology Bowl: Braxton Berardi, Rafe Gardner, Adam Stringham
ii. Problem Solving: Conrad Kap, Cameron Schenk
iii. Mass Production: Ryley Newhauser, Lincoln Olsen, Ben Richards
iv. Construction: Conrad Kap, Isaac Povey
○ FBLA National Qualifiers (1st and 2nd place):
i. 1st in Critical Thinking: Tucker West
ii. 2nd in Multimedia and Website Development: Kylie Auger, Leila Barker, and
Scotlyn Fronk competed as a team
Additional Awards:
○ FACS Nationals:

i. Miriam Marker competed in Focus on Children- Won 2nd place (Silver at
State and Qualified for Nationals.)
ii. AnnMarie Fry competed in Career Investigation and took 3rd Place, and
/silver at State and Qualified for Nationals.)
iii. Annie Porter took silver in Food Innovations @ State
iv. Edrianna Wilcox Career Investigation Bronze @ State
● CTE EXPO On Thursday May 4th 4:30 to 8:30 @ Weber Innovations. Some of our
students are competing in the traeger competition, samples will be given to the
public. There will be lots of booths and student projects displayed there. Free Hot
dogs and Drinks!
v. USU FACS Friday April 28th Field trip for Foods and Sports Sewing students
exploring The FCS program. ( Aggie Ice cream, Chocolate Factory, Sports and
outdoor textiles lab etc.)
vi. Josh Hamblin. Josh competed in the Davis invitational this weekend
for Weber. Josh WON the 110h with a time of 14.69; this ranks Josh
3rd in the nation as a freshman. He also took 2nd in the 300h with a
time of 39.33, which ranks him 4th in the nation as a freshman. He
then decided to participate in the long jump where he took 2nd place
overall. He jumped 21-10-25! Amazing!

● Enrollment 2023-24
○ Current Capacity 953 (1 portable); Permanent Capacity 925
○ As of 1/23 - 923
● Registration & Back-to-School Plans 2023-24
○ Back-to-School - Monday, August 21, 2003; 1:00-5:00PM; Chromebooks issued to 7th
& 9th grade students.
○ Last year, our board went through truth and taxation which increased funding to the
capital improvements budget. Part of this increase will be on-going funds that will
be dedicated to building security. Also, with the passage of H.B. 61 in the recent
legislative session, the state has committed $75 million in one-time money to school
districts to be used for school safety improvements. We are still waiting to see what
the grant application will look like, but we may be eligible to receive additional
funding to address some of our needs.
○ -GoGuardian - Will let you know exactly what students are doing on their
Chromebooks and how long on each website. RFP (Request for proposal) & Pilot
Study - Doesn’t monitor after 4:00. Off schedule easily adjusts to new hours.

● Goals 2023-24
○ Enhance Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
○ Create High-level Professional Learning Communities
● 2023-24 Community Council
○ Positions needed: Chairperson; Co-Chair, Parents