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Eligibility Standards 

  • Students have 5 calendar days from the date quarter grades are electronically posted to remedy eligibility problems. Probation or dismissal from a team or office will occur if the student is still ineligible after 5 calendar days.

  • All eligibility appeals must be made in writing to the Standards Committee and must detail any extenuating circumstances. A student may only make one appeal to the Standards Committee during junior high.

  • Probation guidelines are explained in the “Constitution” for student officers and cheerleaders.

Academic Standards:Attain and maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. or better for the previous quarter or a cumulative 2.0 G.P.A. computed from the four previous successive quarters (not semester) and receiving not more than one F for previous and current quarter. The printed report card will be the basis for determining eligibility. The determination of eligibility under this rule shall be made no later than five calendar days following the last day of the grading period. Grade changes after that time cannot restore lost eligibility. Reading/Advisory class grade may or may not count towards eligibility. Eligibility is the responsibility of each individual school and will be governed by the school.

Citizenship Standards: A student participating in junior high sports would be eligible with one U, or one N and one U, or two N’s for the previous quarter and current quarter. Any other combination beyond this a student would no longer be eligible for athletics. Printed report card will be the basis for determining eligibility. The determination of eligibility under this rule shall be made no later than five calendar days following the last day of the grading period. Grade changes after that time cannot restore lost eligibility. Reading/Advisory class citizenship may or may not count towards eligibility. Eligibility is the responsibility of each individual school and will be governed by the school.

Behavior Standards: Students must maintain acceptable behavior standards while on an athletic team. Coaches and administration will determine if violations to school policy are serious enough to warrant removal from the team. Truancy, fighting, safe school violations, drug and alcohol violations, suspensions, etc. may be grounds for removal from a team.