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School Policies



According to Utah State Law and School Board Policy: “The student is responsible to be present in class
and the parent, guardian, or other person having control of any such minor between six and eighteen years
of age shall be required to send such minor to school during the regularly established school day in the
attendance area of residence.” Students are expected to be in school every day unless properly excused by
their parents, administration, advisor, or teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work in any
class missed regardless of the reason for absence. Excessive absences (even those excused by parents) may
be cause for due process interventions. Consistent attendance increases student learning and achievement.
Absences not properly excused will be considered a truant.
Consequences for excessive truancies may include:
• Lower citizenship grade in classes missed
• Truancy-related missing work given no credit
• Referral to Administration
• Youth Court referral (Court fee, appear before jury of peers, etc.)
• Suspension and /or referral to the district office for alternative placement
• Juvenile Truancy Court referral
Pre-Arranged Absences
When parents request to have their children excused for reasons other than medical appointments, illness
or family emergencies, arrangements for such absences (, weddings, etc.) should be
made well in advance. This gives the student an opportunity to complete class work prior to the absence
for full credit. A pre-arranged absence form is available in the attendance office.
Procedure for Excusing an Absence
A parent or guardian must call the school (452-4800) or send a signed note to excuse an absence for illness
or family emergency. If calling after school hours, please leave a detailed message including your name,
student’s name and the reason for the absence. Absences not properly excused will be considered a truant.
Checking in and out of school for partial –day absences
Medical and dental appointments or family emergencies may cause a student to arrive late or leave early
during the school day. Parents must check students out in-person. They may call ahead to have the
student ready at a specific time but the parent/guardian is required to come to the attendance office
before the student will be released. Students check in and out at the attendance window by scanning
their student ID. For safety reasons, only those authorized in the emergency contact information for the
student will be allowed to check out that student. Office personnel may ask for a picture ID.
Punctuality is a very important life skill and students need to develop this skill by being on time to class,
ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Consistent tardiness will result in the following consequences:

Number of Tardies Consequences
3 per quarter “N” citizenship in class
4 per quarter Parents notified that a U citizenship grade will be given for 5th tardy

5 per quarter “U” citizenship in class
6+ per quarter Referral to Administration and/or “Youth Court” Referral


North Ogden Junior High School offers several awards that students can earn.

4 Sport Award – This award is designed to recognize students who have participated in a total of 4 sports
at NOJH. Coaches will determine the criteria for eligibility in their specific sport. The 4 Sport Award does
not include high school sports that are available for 9th grade students. To qualify, a student must compete
in four junior high sports during the school year.
GPA 4.0 Award (all 3 years combined) – This award is to recognize students who have maintained a GPA
of 4.0 for all 4 quarters of each year for 3 years. (Total of 12 terms of 4.0.)

Back to school night will tentatively be held on Monday, August 21, 2023 from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.


Students may pay fees before school and during both lunches. Fees will not be taken after school.


Bullying or harassment of any type (verbal, physical, sexual, cyber-type) is not allowed. Students who
bully or harass another student are breaking the law and are violating the District “Safe School” Policy.
All appropriate legal and school disciplinary actions will be taken against anyone who violates this policy.



North Ogden Junior High enforces a school-wide standard of conduct that reinforces strong character,
community values and self-discipline. Students will be warned and/or disciplined for any type of
disruptive behavior or violation of this standard. Students are expected to be accountable for personal
behavior and abide by the following guidelines:
• Abide by a strong work ethic. Attend school regularly and be on time. Come prepared with necessary
materials and completed assignments each day.
• No fighting—students are expected to keep their hands, feet, etc., to themselves. Students involved in
physical altercations will be suspended.
• No harassment or bullying behaviors will be tolerated. These behaviors must be reported to a staff
member immediately.
• Use appropriate language—profanity and/or obscene language will be strictly prohibited.
• Avoid any behavior that compromises the safety or comfort of others.
• Respect school property and the property of others. Vandalism/theft will be referred to the authorities.
• Comply with all rules and policies of the school and District and obey the law


Credit (.25/quarter) will be issued to students who earn a passing grade in a class. All ninth grade credit
earned becomes high school credit, and is applied toward high school graduation credit as well as
scholarship eligibility. Any ninth grade credit loss must be made up during summer school, in after-school
classes, or through other make-up opportunities. Most make-up classes cost $35 per .25
credits. Graduation may be in jeopardy if this credit is not made up.

In order to ensure student safety, we enforce a closed campus policy. Students are not allowed to leave the
campus without parental permission. Students living close to school may go home for lunch with parental
permission, providing they can make it back to school in time for the next class.
Anyone who willfully destroys property through vandalism, arson, larceny, or who tampers with the fire
alarms, fire extinguishers, or any electrical/data system will be referred to the proper law enforcement
agency and subject to consequences under the “Safe School” policy. Students and parents are financially
and legally responsible for damage to private or school district property.

Cell Phones, Chromebooks and Digital Devices
The appropriate use of cell phones and other electronic devices will be permitted before and after school,
during transitions to and from each period, and during lunch.
North Ogden Junior High School prohibits the use of cell phones/earbuds and digital media devices (cell
phones, headphones, earbuds, MP3 players, e-readers, laptops, stereos, pagers, handheld games, cameras,
etc.) in class. Students are not permitted to leave class to use a cell phone or electronic devices, unless the
student has been approved to through a health plan.
Students are strictly prohibited from using cell phones in bathrooms or locker rooms, particularly to film
or take pictures. Any violation of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) will be cause for disciplinary action.
Furthermore, the taking or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate
images or photographs will not be tolerated. Violations will be referred to law enforcement. Students are
expected to cooperate in handing over cell phones and digital media devices when requested.
Violation of the cell phone/electronic device policy will be as follows:
1st offense: Warning: Student is reminded to keep cell phone/earbuds/digital media device out of sight.
The warning will be documented in the “PowerSchool” tracking system.
2nd offense: Student will hand over the cell phone/earbuds/digital media device to the teacher. The
device will be returned to the student at the end of the class period. The incident will be documented in
the “PowerSchool” tracking system.
3rd offense: Student will hand over the cell phone/earbuds/digital media device to the teacher. The
teacher will take the device to the office,and students can pick it up at the end of the day. The incident
will be documented in the “PowerSchool” tracking system.

After 3rd offense: Student will hand over the cell phone/Earbuds/Digital Media device to the teacher.
The teacher will take the device to the office, and ONLY the parent/guardian will be able to pick it up
from the office. The incident will be documented in the “PowerSchool” tracking system.
Continuous infractions with cell phone/earbuds/digital media may result in a suspension.

I. PURPOSE & PHILOSOPHY Weber District is committed to providing a safe, orderly, and positive
environment conducive to teaching and learning. The Board recognizes that dress and grooming affect
students' behavior and that there are sanitation and safety factors directly related to proper dress and
grooming. The Board seeks to emphasize the importance of school, parent, and student collaboration in
encouraging students to come to school dressed appropriately for school work. The District believes that
the student and their parent/guardian hold the primary responsibility in determining the students' personal
apparel (including clothing, jewelry, bags, accessories, etc.) Schools are responsible for ensuring that
student attire, jewelry, and personal items do not interfere with the health or safety of any student and do
not contribute to a hostile, disruptive, or intimidating environment for any student or staff.
II. POLICY It is the policy of Weber School District to ensure students’ dress and grooming at school
comply with the standards outlined below. Violations of the policy will result in corrective action that will
not exclude students from school and do not shame a student. While parents are primarily responsible for
determining what is appropriate apparel for school, schools have the authority to address and correct
violations of this policy where the violation contributes to a health or safety risk, or to a hostile, disruptive,
or intimidating environment for other students or staff.
A. “Apparel” means a combination of all clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, and accessories
B. “Costumes” means any apparel worn to look like someone or something else other than the student
C. “Substantial Disruption” means an interruption to the learning environment that is significant
and/or impacts a significant number of students.
IV. DRESS AND GROOMING GUIDING PRINCIPLES In relation to student dress, school
administrators will be guided by the following core values:
A. Students should be able to dress and style their hair for school in a manner that expresses their
individuality without fear of unnecessary discipline or body shaming.
B. Students have the right to be treated equitably.
C. Dress code enforcement will not create disparities, reinforce or increase the marginalization of any
group, nor will it be more strictly enforced against students because of racial identity, ethnicity, gender
identity, gender expression, gender nonconformity, sexual orientation, cultural or religious identity,
household income, body size/type or body maturity.
D. Students and staff are responsible for managing what may cause them to be distracted or what they find
distracting. E. Students should not face unnecessary barriers to school attendance.
A. Students must wear:
1. Tops that have fabric in front (covering the majority of the chest and abdomen), straps over both
shoulders, on both sides (under the arms), and in the back (covering the upper and lower back.)
2. Bottoms that cover the buttocks when standing, sitting, and bending over; and
3. Footwear that protects the student from injury.
B. The following is prohibited at school and school activities:
1. Clothing that intentionally shows private parts (nipples, genitals, buttocks) or undergarments. Clothing
must cover private parts in opaque (not able to be seen through) material
2. Clothing or attire, jewelry, or personal items that display obscene, vulgar, or lewd words, messages, or
pictures or are pornographic

3. Clothing or attire, jewelry, or personal items including attachments, or accessories that could be
considered weapons, contain threats or promote violent conduct such as unlawful use of weapons (ie,
chains, dog collars with spikes, spurs)
4. Clothing or attire, jewelry, or personal items that advertises or promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug
5. Clothing that covers the student’s face to the extent that the student is not identifiable a)
clothing/headwear worn for a bonafide religious or medical purpose or when directed by health
organizations are not subject to this prohibition. b) Sunglasses on the face or head when worn pursuant to
a physician’s prescription are not subject to this prohibition.
6. Clothing, jewelry, or personal items that demonstrate hate group association/affiliation and/or use hate
speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious
affiliation, or other protected groups
7. Any other grooming or dress that causes actual disruption or which creates a significant safety risk or is
disrespectful of others’ religious or cultural beliefs
8. Clothing, jewelry, or personal items that include gang symbols, monikers, insignias, or other gang
9. Any apparel or style of clothing that school officials, in light of the totality of the circumstances, and
after consultation with law enforcement authorities, view denoting gang membership or affiliation 10.
Costumes or costume accessories, other than designated holidays as allowed by school administration.


• Students have 5 calendar days from the date quarter grades are electronically posted to remedy eligibility
problems. Probation or dismissal from a team or office will occur if the student is still ineligible after 5
calendar days.
• All eligibility appeals must be made in writing to the Standards Committee and must detail any
extenuating circumstances. A student may only make one appeal to the Standards Committee during
junior high.
• Probation guidelines are explained in the “Constitution” for student officers and cheerleaders.
Academic Standards: Attain and maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. or better for the previous quarter or a cumulative
2.0 G.P.A. computed from the four previous successive quarters (not semester) and receiving not more than
one F for previous and current quarter. The printed report card will be the basis for determining
eligibility. The determination of eligibility under this rule shall be made no later than five calendar days
following the last day of the grading period. Grade changes after that time cannot restore lost
eligibility. Reading/Advisory class grade may or may not count towards eligibility. Eligibility is the
responsibility of each individual school and will be governed by the school.
Citizenship Standards: A student participating in junior high sports would be eligible with one U, or
one N and one U, or two N’s for the previous quarter and current quarter. Any other combination
beyond this a student would no longer be eligible for athletics. Printed report card will be the basis for
determining eligibility. The determination of eligibility under this rule shall be made no later than five
calendar days following the last day of the grading period. Grade changes after that time cannot restore
lost eligibility. Reading/Advisory class citizenship may or may not count towards eligibility. Eligibility
is the responsibility of each individual school and will be governed by the school.
Behavior Standards: Students must maintain acceptable behavior standards while on an athletic team.
Coaches and administration will determine if violations to school policy are serious enough to warrant
removal from the team. Truancy, fighting, safe school violations, drug and alcohol violations,
suspensions, etc. may be grounds for removal from a team.

STUDENT OFFICE: (See “Student Officer Constitution” available from Advisor)
Academic Standards: Student must have earned a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.0 GPA or better with no
F’s, I’s, or NM’s (except Knights in the Round period) on their official report card during the three
quarters prior to running for office and must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.0 GPA or better and
no F’s, I’s, or NM’s (except Knights in the Round period) each quarter while in office.
Citizenship Standards: No more than one N and no U citizenship grades total on their report card during
the three quarters prior to running for office and no N or U citizenship grades while holding office.
Behavior Standards: Students must maintain acceptable behavior standards while in office. Advisors
and administration will determine if violations to school policy are serious enough to warrant removal
from office. Truancy, fighting, safe school violations, drug and alcohol violations, suspensions, etc. may
be grounds for removal from office.
Academic Standards: Student must have 2.0 for tryouts, and a 3.0 cumulative GPA while on the team
with No F’s, U’s, and no more than one N (except Knights in the Round period) on their official report
card during the three quarters prior to cheer tryouts and must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.0
Term GPA and No F’s, U’s, and no more than one N (except Knights in the Round period) each quarter
while a cheerleader.
Citizenship Standards: A Student must not have received more than one citizenship mark lower than an
“S” per quarter during current year prior to tryouts. Student must maintain citizenship according to
Cheerleader Constitution.
Behavior Standards: Cheerleaders must maintain acceptable behavior standards. Advisors and
administration will determine if violations to school policy are serious enough to warrant removal from
the squad. Truancy, fighting, safe school violations, drug and alcohol violations, suspensions, etc. are
grounds for removal.


Students who participate in a fight will be suspended. The length of the suspension (based on
premeditation, witnesses, circumstances, aggressor, injuries, etc.) is determined by the administrator who
investigates the fight. Students who fight may also be charged with disorderly conduct, cited by law
enforcement, and referred to Juvenile or Youth Court.

Students must ask teacher permission before leaving class and must have the hall pass visible during their
time out of class. Hall passes are good for 5 minutes or less. No visiting or loitering is allowed when
using a hall pass.


Students must comply immediately with any reasonable request or instruction from any adult in the
school, including teachers, administrators, police officers, custodians, aides, secretaries, cafeteria staff,
etc. Failure to comply immediately is insubordination and a suspension may occur.

The “Knight Code of Conduct” states that students will:
• Be respectful
• Be responsible
• Be there and ready
• Follow directions
• Keep hands and feet to self


Lockers will be assigned by request only. The locker number and combination will be available at
registration. (See district locker agreement in the District on-line registration information.) Lockers are
school property and are subject to search at any time. Fines will be assessed for damage to lockers.


Lunch policies and procedures - Outside food, other than home lunch, is not permitted during lunch. As a
safety precaution, FOOD DELIVERIES ARE NOT ALLOWED from parents or outside businesses
(pizza, Subway, Doordash, McDonald's, or any other outside food; however, as always, parents are
welcome to check their students out for lunch or any other time during the school day.


We believe in rewarding students for good behavior. When any staff member observes a student
following the Knight Code of Conduct, he / she may give the student a “Noble Knight” ticket. These
tickets are placed in a box at the main office window. Drawings are held on a regular basis and prizes are
awarded to those whose names are drawn.


Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled two times per year about a week after mid-term grades are
posted 1st and 3rd quarter. Conferences may take place in the gymnasium or individual
classrooms. Teachers are to contact parents prior to the end of each quarter when a student is failing in
time for the student to earn a passing grade. A “Back to School” night in August will take the place of the
2nd quarter parent/teacher conference. No conference is held 4th quarter.

We encourage you to become a member of our Parent Teacher Student Association. PTSA has an impact
on issues that benefit your child. You may join at registration time or at
“Back to School Night”. Parent and student membership fees are $8.00 each.

With the mailing fee, pertinent information may be mailed home.

Our schedule is extremely tight and class changes are difficult to make because of class sizes limits,
balanced teacher loads, etc. A $10 class change fee is assessed for all student or parent initiated schedule
changes. Counselors may refer some schedule changes to the administration for approval.


The law strictly forbids any form of sexual harassment. Please contact the school police officer, school
counselor, a teacher, or school administration if you feel that someone is sexually harassing you in any
way. Every effort will be made to keep the investigation confidential and protect your dignity. However,
in most cases you will be required to give a written statement and in some cases, you may need to testify in
court. Reports of sexual harassment will be reviewed and investigate by the Title IX team at the district.


Students shall not commit any act that degrades or disgraces any other person. Students in violation may
be subject to immediate suspension and / or referral to the police.

For safety and security reasons, student ID cards are required at school and must be on the student at
all times. It is preferred that the ID card be visible on a lanyard or clip. Cards are scanned and/or
required at the following:
• Cafeteria cash register
• Library book check-out
• Bookkeeper transactions (main office window)
• Attendance check-in and check-out (main office window)
• AR tests in writing lab
• Some school activities/dances
• A replacement ID will cost $5.00


Parents and students have a right to inspect student education records, and the right to request amendments
to those records. Students’ personal information will be disclosed only upon the consent of the parent or
legal guardian.


Students may use the phone in the main office window to make emergency calls to parents.


Parents and other school patrons are always welcome in our school after first checking in at the office. All
visitors are required to wear a visitor pass. Students from other schools, siblings, relatives, friends, etc. are
not permitted on school property during the school day. A trespass warning or citation will be issued to


Yearbooks can be a very important part of a student’s life and memories and we encourage everyone to
purchase one. Cost is $20.00.

Other important information (examples below) can be found online at the District web site